Statoil expresses intention to expand activity in Azerbaijan

Norwegian energy company Statoil`s officials have expressed their intention to expand their activity in Azerbaijan.
Statoil's executive vice president Peter Melbye, Vice Chairperson Torgeir Kydland and President of Statoil in Azerbaijan Lars Troen Sorensen met Azeri Minister of Industry and Energy Natig Aliyev in Baku.
"During the meeting the representatives of Statoil expressed interest in the production of new gas fields in Azerbaijan and close involvement in finding new deposits. Company officials noted that Statoil intends to expand its activities in Azerbaijan," the Ministry`s spokesman said.
The meeting discussed a wide range of issues, including the transportation of gas to Europe, Azerbaijan's cooperation with the EU in this area.
Statoil is a shareholder in the Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan (8.71%), the Baku-Tbilisi-Erzurum (commercial operator - 25.5%), a project to develop gas field ShahDeniz (commercial operator - 25.5%).



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