Baku hosts 37th meeting of PABSEC Cultural, Educational and Social Affairs Committee

The 37th meeting of Parliamentary Assembly of Black Sea Economic Cooperation (PABSEC) Cultural, Educational and Social Affairs Committee has today started in Azerbaijan`s capital.
Speaking in the meeting, member of Azerbaijani Parliament, deputy chairman of the PABSEC Committee Jale Aliyeva briefed the participants on the activity of Committee and agenda of the meeting.
Vice-speaker of Azerbaijan`s Parliament Valeh Alasgarov provided information on economic development in the country. He spoke of reforms in education, culture and social spheres.
The meeting which has brought together MPs from Turkey, Ukraine, Russia, Bulgaria, Georgia, Romania and other member states, as well as Marmara Foundation representatives is expected to discuss cooperation among the countries in education, science and culture fields, protection of cultural heritage and other issues. Protocol of the 36th meeting is also scheduled to be approved.



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