Azeri minister addresses Summer Davos in China

Azerbaijan`s minister of information and communication technologies Ali Abbasov has addressed the Annual Meeting of the New Champions, the "Summer Davos", in Dalian, China.
The minister highlighted Azerbaijan`s ICT achievements. Abbasov said development of information technologies was one of the key priorities for his country`s government.
On the sidelines of the forum Abbasov had bilateral meetings with his Chinese, Indian and Pakistani counterparts as well as heads of Chinese HUAWEI, the USA`s WYSE Technology and Great Britain`s British Telecom companies.
The "Summer Davos", is the foremost global business gathering in Asia. Introduced in 2007 in close collaboration with the People`s Republic of China and with the personal support of Premier Wen Jiabao, last year`s Meeting in Tianjin convened 1,300 participants, including over 400 CEOs from Forum Partner and Member companies together with up-and-coming leaders from business, politics, science and technology from 80 countries. In 2011, we expect even stronger participation with over 1,500 participants.



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