Azerbaijan to be represented at China-Eurasia exhibition

Azerbaijan will be represented at the China-Eurasia exhibition from September1 to 5, due in Urumchi, Beijing.
The aim of the event is expansion of economic cooperation between China and other countries in the Eurasian region, study investment opportunities, to exchange ideas related to mutual investments and organize exhibition of products produced in different countries.
The exhibition will bring together heads of state, government and large companies from 33 countries.
According to the China`s Embassy in Azerbaijan, delegation headed by Abid Sharifov, Deputy Prime Minister, co-chairman of the Azerbaijani-Chinese intergovernmental commission on trade-economic cooperation will participate at the exhibition-forum.
The event will be held in the framework of the Azerbaijan-China business forum.
These measures of economic-trade relations between the two countries, and also will contribute to the promotion of exports from Azerbaijan to China.



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