Sangachal Terminal exports about 154.5 million barrels of oil

Oil and gas from ACG and Shah Deniz continue to flow via subsea pipelines to the Sangachal terminal.
The capacity of the terminal's overall processing systems is currently 1.2 million barrels of oil and 25.5 million cubic metres of Shah Deniz gas per day (about 39.5 million cubic meters in total) per day.
Gas is exported via the South Caucasus Pipeline (SCP) and via a SOCAR gas pipeline connecting the terminal's gas processing facilities and Azerigas's national grid system.
During the first half of 2011 the Sangachal Terminal exported about 154.5 million barrels of oil (including 135.7 million barrels through Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan (BTC), 15.2 million barrels through the western route export pipeline and 3.6 million barrels through rail). On average about 17.7 million standard cubic meters of Shah Deniz gas was exported from the terminal daily during the second quarter.



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