"Azerbaijan is one of the strongest performing economies in the post-Soviet space", The Guardian

The Guardian, a British national daily newspaper has published an article titled "End of the USSR: visualizing how the former Soviet countries are doing, 20 years on". The article focuses on key data concerning the economic situation in former USSR republics two decades since the Soviet Union broke up.
"The Guardian was keen to explore just how well those 15 former Soviet republics had performed as independent countries. Our data team mined statistics from sources ranging from the World Bank, the UNHCR, the UN Crime Trends Survey and the Happy Planet Index to compare the performance of the countries", the article says.
Dwelling on the economic growth of Azerbaijan, the article emphasizes: "Azerbaijan`s oil dividend makes it one of the strongest performing economies in the post-Soviet space, and it is one of the few former Soviet republics with a growing population".
"Armenia and Georgia have both seen incipient growth through the 2000s rudely interrupted by the global recession of 2008/09. Armenia suffers from the worst unemployment of all 15 republics", the Guardian reports.



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