"The Business Year" journal`s special edition on Azerbaijan presented

A special edition of "The Business Year" journal dedicated to the 20th anniversary of Azerbaijan`s independence was presented yesterday. 
Head of the Azerbaijan President Administration`s socio-political department Ali Hasanov linked the edition to the fact that Azerbaijan has been the leading country of world on economic growth in 2010. The edition includes interview of the Azerbaijan President Ilham Aliyev, which is the largest interview the head of state gives in the latest five year, what, according to Hasanov, is an evidence to the journal`s international reputation.
The journal presents also opinions of the heads of state of a number of countries.
Azerbaijan`s minister of economic development Shahin Mustafayev spoke of the ongoing economic reforms, what, according to the Minister, have been highly estimated by the world rating agencies.
Then speaking was Ali Abbasov, ICT minister, who, said now the goal is to bring the country`s IT sphere close to the development level in the oil sector up to 2025.



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