ITGI fully meets Azerbaijan's strategic interests

The Interconnector Turkey-Greece-Italy (ITGI) gas pipeline creates the most real opportunity for export of Azerbaijani gas to Europe.
The statement came from president of Greek Depa Harris Sachinis, visiting Baku.
He said ‘ITGI fully meets the strategic interests of Azerbaijan' and ‘will help Azerbaijan play a big role in gas supply to Europe'.
"This pipeline may soon be launched," Sachinis said.
Head of DEPA noted that the capacity of the gas pipeline section between Italy and Greece has increased from 12 to 16bn cubic meters.
'The capacity of the IGB gas pipeline (Interconnector Greece-Bulgaria) will be raised from 3 to 5bn cubic meters until 2025. ITGI and IGB will be able to create conditions for export to 24bn cubic meters of Azerbaijani gas to the European market', the head of the Greek company said.



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