Asan Imza presented at Russian PKI Forum 2016

The 14th international conference on public key infrastructure (PKI) and e-signature - “PKI-Forum Russia 2016” has today started in Saint Petersburg under the organization of Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications of the Russian Federation.

This year’s forum focuses on such topics as the trust in PKI-based solutions, standardization in the spheres of PKI and e-signature, activity of certification authorities, interoperability of e-signature solutions etc. Over 300 delegates are attending the forum from Belarus, Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan, Poland, Russian Federation, Uzbekistan and other countries.

The head of Azerbaijani “B.EST Solutions”, the operating company of “Asan İmza” mobile ID service, Mrs. Jana Krimpe is also taking part at the conference where she is expected to deliver a speech on mobile identity and PKI. She will speak about the PKI-based technology of "Asan İmza” and share the experience of Azerbaijan in introducing the mobile ID technology in the process of transition from e- to m-government. It will be noted that the Azerbaijani mobile ID service – “Asan İmza” provides ubiquitous access to public and private e-services and represents a state-granted e-ID. Thanks to mobility and easiness of the technology, “Asan İmza” is becoming more and more popular among the citizens and businessmen in the country.

The participants of the forum will be familiarized with the innovative e-services of Azerbaijani Ministry of Taxes, State Customs Committee, Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of Population, E-Government Portal and “AsanPay” portal as well as the local financial sector which are available via “Asan İmza”. Particular attention will also be paid to the innovative e-customs declaration service of Azerbaijan which has recently been launched with the involvement of “Asan İmza” Mobile ID.

It is worth to mention that in light of attractive export potential, the technology of “Asan İmza” is regularly presented at various international industry events under the slogan “Made in Azerbaijan”. “B.EST Solutions” actively participates at such events worldwide with an aim of presenting the achievements of Azerbaijan in the field of exploitation of the advanced mobile identity and signing tool as well as its interaction with various public and private e-platforms.

At present, the “Asan İmza” mobile ID service successfully functions within the single e-government concept in Azerbaijan and is being more widely used in the electronic systems of private service providers such as banks, insurance companies, online payment portals etc.

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