Number and average monthly salary of employees engaged in transport, information and communication enterprises in 2014

In 2014 average number of employees engaged in transport enterprises formed 73.5thousand in 2014, 71.6% of them worked in state enterprises, 28.4% in private sector. 50.9 % of employees worked in surface and pipeline, 11.7 % in water, 16.4% in air transport and 21.0% in enterprises providing support and additional transport activities.
Average monthly salary of transport workers compared to 2013 increased by 0.5 % and became 538.8 manat. This indicator in air transport was formed 789.3 manat and in sea transport (771.3 manat), in metro transport (613.6 manat), in automobile transport (503.7 manat) and 257.1 manat in railway transport. Salary in metro transport was increased by 6.6%, in sea transport 3.8% and in automobile transport (2.3%).
Number of employees engaged in information and communication enterprises was 27.2 thousand persons, average monthly salary of per employee increased by 8.8 % and became 734.9 manat.


The State Statistical Committee of the Republic of Azerbaijan

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