Baku hosts conference of Heads of National Training Centers for WCO Europe Region

The World Customs Organization today held the Conference of Heads of National Training Centers on strengthening the capacity of the European region in the capital of Azerbaijan.
The meeting dedicated to the WCO Regional Office for Capacity Building in Europe was attended by 21 participating countries, as well as the European Commission and the delegations of WCO and also Azerbaijan.
Addressing the meeting was the Chairman of Azerbaijan State Customs Committee Aydin Aliyev and then the WCO representative of the Secretariat Roger Hermann, who spoke of the development of technologies observed in the modern era, integration processes and globalization, the economic crisis, the challenges of the digital economy make the issue of capacity building inevitable.
This has created new challenges in front of the customs services of the world. All Customs services in the world are faced with the same challenge.
The head of the Committee noted the importance of the work carried out to improve their professional knowledge.
At the two-day event, the strategy and priorities of WCO, the modernization of the customs system and organizational development, roles and responsibilities of National Coordinators in capacity building, regional approach to capacity building, and so on will be discussed.


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