IDEA marks World Environment Day

IDEA, International Dialogue for Environmental Action, campaign has held an interactive workshop titled “Azerbaijani ecosystems and landscape diversity” on the occasion of the World Environment Day.
The event, which involved students interested in environmental protection and teachers engaged in this field, was held at the IDEA Resources Centre at the Academy of Public Administration under the President of Azerbaijan.
Expert of the workshop was Professor Elman Yusifov, chief of the information and innovation department of the ANAS Institute of Zoology.
The expert provided detailed information about the Azerbaijani landscape, fauna and flora, reasons for landscape diversity, as well as the diversity of fauna and flora of plains and mountains.
The event which involved over 20 young people marked interesting discussions.
IDEA campaign was launched on 12 July 2011 by Vice President of the Heydar Aliyev Foundation Leyla Aliyeva.


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