Conformity with the requirements of environmental legislation examined

On March 01-15, 2018 officers of the Department for Environmental Protection of the Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources (MENR) conducted a survey in order to inspect the compliance with the requirements of the environmental protection in the country territory.

During the process of inspection, 102 acts and protocols were filled for the law violations committed by natural persons and legal entities on the conservation of water and soil reserves, atmospheric air, bowels of the earth, fauna and flora, as well as illegal emplacement of domestic and industrial wastes in the environment, and 22 timed mandatory orders were made to eliminate the shortcomings.

Penalties worth AZN 47360 were imposed on 43cases, claims worth AZN 14061,99  were declared on 12 cases related with the damage to the environment, repayments worth AZN    49134,92 were applied against the natural and juridical persons on 239 cases connected with the leaving and discharging of wastes in the environment. 14 cases were sent to certain law enforcement bodies and  executive bodies and 3 to court for taking measures.


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