Current condition in the rivers of the Republic and in the transboundary river

According to the National Department for Hydrometeorology of the Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources, currently, water richness holds 80-160% of decade norm in Quba-Khachmaz region rivers of Major Caucasus, 150-270% in Minor Caucasus rivers, 10-80% in Lankaran-Astara region rivers and 110% Nakhchivan AR.

Current condition in the transit rivers

On March 05, no change in water level was issued in Giragkesemen settlement of Kura river. Currently water consumption holds 185m3/sec in the settlement, i.e 76% of decade norm (in 2017, 187m3/sec, i.e 77% of decade norm. 3cm of decrease in water level has been observed in Ayrichay settlement of Qanikh River. At present, water consumption hold 52m3/sec, i.e 63% of decade norm. (in 2017, 59m3/sec, i.e 71% of decade norm).

Current condition in the downstream of Kura river

On March 05, decrease in water level has been observed in the downstream of Kura River.

In this regard, 4cm in Surra and Shirvan, 6cm in Salyan and Banka, 5cm in Novruzlu settlement of Aras.

At present, water level holds 367cm (on March 05, 2017, 410cm) in Surra settlement, 229cm (on March 05, 2017, 285) in Shirvan, 185 cm (on March 05, 2017, 256cm) in Salyan, 186cm (on March 05, 2017, 203cm) in Banka, while 100cm (on March 05, 2017, 136cm) in Novruzlu settlement of Aras river.

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