Some complaints and appeals were taken into custody to investigate

The Minister of Ecology and Natural Resources Huseyn Bagirov received about 40 citizens from Dashkasan, Ganja, Gadabay, Samukh and Goygol at the meeting held in Dashkasan on September 28. The meetings were attended by officials of the Ministry, suggestions of citizens were listened, and requests reviewed. Appeals mainly were related to protection of the environment and ecological balance, protection of forests, hydrometeorology, geology, biodiversity, environmental monitoring and so on. Examination of the application for recruitment written to the minister by every citizen in accordance with the legislation of the issues raised and immediately gave instructions to the heads of the relevant structures of the solution, some of the issues that concern citizens have been resolved on the spot, to investigate complaints of violations of the relevant entities for the delivery of appropriate measures and taken into custody were recorded.

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