Belarusian wins Mrs World beauty contest

Marina Alexeychik of Belarus, 31, won the Mrs World 2014 beauty contest in Maryland, the US.

The second place was taken by South Africa’s contender and the third — by Peru’s.

Russia was represented by two contenders — Olga Pankova, a television host and Mrs Russia winner, and actress Natalia Nikolayeva, Sevastopol’s beauty contest winner. They were among the eleven finalists.

The 2014 world beauty queen title winner is a television host and singer.

Participants in Mrs World beauty contests are married young women who have children and actively participate in political and public life and charity activities in their countries. Thirty five contenders competed for the World 2014 Beauty Queen Title in the pageant in the United States.

The first contest was held in 1985. Finals of the pageants took place in Russia three times in St. Petersburg in 2006, Sochi in 2007 and Kaliningrad in 2008. Russians twice won the crowns  — Sofia Arzhakovskaya in 2006 and Viktoria Rodochinskaya in 2009.

The next contest will be held in Beijing.


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