Reconstruction of the R42 Bahramtapa to Bilesuvar Road
This Invitation for Prequalification follows the General Procurement Notice for this project 8910-GPN-43094 published on the EBRD website, Project Procurement Notices ( on December 18, 2017.
State Agency of Azerbaijan Automobile Roads, hereinafter referred to as “the Client”, intends using part of the proceeds of a loan from the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, hereinafter referred to as “the Bank”, towards the cost of Reconstruction of the R42 Bahramtapa to Bilesuvar Road.
The Client intends prequalifying firms and consortia to tender for the following contracts, hereinafter referred to as “the Contract”, to be funded from part of the proceeds of the loan:
• Reconstruction of the R42 Bahramtapa to Bilesuvar Road
The Contract involves the reconstruction of the existing 59 km long road section of the R42 from Bahramtapa to Bilesuvar road. The road and works shall be described separately in Part B: Information on the Contract.
The following comments are indicative of the works:
• The Contract is the reconstruction of 59 km Bahramtapa - Bilesuvar road section which starts at the roundabout on the M6 and ends at the junction at the end of the Bilesuvar western bypass.
• Reconstruction of the two lane single carriageway roads mainly follow the existing alignment includes earthworks, construction of pavement, drainage systems, the replacement of three bridges and the installation of road furniture and road markings.
• The principal quantities for this Contract are as follows:
a) Asphalt concrete surface course 32,000 m3;
b) Asphalt concrete binder course 51,000 m3;
c) Asphalt concrete roadbase 91,000 m3;
d) Crushed stone base 264,000 m3
e) Granular subbase 203,000 m3;
f) Granular capping layer 184,000 m3;
g) Granular fill 795,000 m3;
h) Concrete for structures 9,000 m3;
i) Concrete pipes 1,300 m.
The planned date of commencement of the Contract shall be September 2018 with a construction period of 24 months.
Prequalification and tendering for contracts to be financed with the proceeds of a loan from the Bank is open to firms and joint ventures of firms from any country.
The applicable procurement rules are the Bank’s Procurement Policies and Rules (PP&R) which can be located at:
Prequalification documents may be obtained from the office at the address below upon payment of a non-refundable fee of AZN 500 or USD 300 or equivalent in a convertible currency. The method of payment will be cash or by bank transfer to:
Beneficiary: State Agency of Azerbaijan Automobile Roads, ID No.: 9900013141
Bank: Azerbaijan International Bank, “Nagliyyat” Branch
Account Number: AZ21IBAZ 38050019449345490205 AZN
AZ11IBAZ38150018409345490205 USD
Bank Identification Number: 9900001881
Upon receipt of appropriate evidence of payment of the non-refundable fee, the documents will promptly be dispatched by courier arranged by the applicant; however, no liability can be accepted for their loss or late delivery.
If requested, instead of a hard copy the documents can be dispatched electronically in PDF format. If so the applicant is required to send an email requesting documents electronically. Please attach a copy of the receipt issued by the bank for payment made to the bank as described above.
The prequalification documents must be duly completed and delivered to the address below, on or before 17:00 (local time) on March 15, 2018. Documents which are received late may be rejected and returned unopened.
Interested firms may obtain further information from, and inspect and acquire the prequalification documents at the following office:
Mr. Jeyhun Yusifov, PIU-4 Director
State Agency of Azerbaijan Automobile Roads
Block 2025, R. Ismayilov str, Bilajari settlement, Binaqadi district,
Baku, Azerbaijan, AZ1117
Tel: (+994-12) 599 79 82
Fax: (+994-12) 499 79 06
-mail: ;
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